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" Grandma Calls Me to Eat——the Most Interesting Kid's Meals " Book Launch Forecast
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Gudong grandma Mrs. Chen Lei will hold a book launch " Grandma Calls Me to Eat——the Most Interesting Kid's Meals " at Jinan Henglong Shooping Mall Pinju Book Store on 15st October 2017 at 7pm. At that time, Gudong grandma will share her useful comments about cooking Kid meals, and answer questions from audiences. She will also cook some delicious cakes for everyone who attends this book launch.


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Mrs. Chen Lei ( Nickname: Gudong Grandma ), a gastronome, who is popular because of her social media platform of Sohu and Sina Microblog. She has taken the responsibility of looking after her grandson. Gudong grandma tries to hard to cook the high quality meals for her grandson even from the aspect of choosing the raw food material. In order to write the book, she specially studies the photography, so that she can record the meals when she cooks for grandson. It is worth to notice that Gudong grandma posts those pictures, and also writes many useful comments about cooking kis meals on her Sina Microblog. Many people add her Sina Microblog account and follow her each recipe post.




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