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Title: 36 Lessons for Being a Mother
Author:Li Weihong
Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House
Publishing Date: 2015.05
Price: 26.00
ISBN: 978-7-5474-1385-2
Size: thirty-two mo
Content in Briefs:
This is a book written for all mothers. From actual cases to nurturing theories, this book contains the mistakes and lessons made and accumulated by the author in bringing up her kid as a mother, and also the thoughts and cognitions in long-term researches as a motherhood educational research expert. In addition to teaching personal experience and basic nurturing knowledge, the book also insists on the elaboration of multiple concepts for the purpose that in the face of complex and contradictory information and knowledge, people can make his/her own judgment and choice according to specific situations instead of becoming rigid or following others blindly.
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