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Exploring the Universe

Author:Brian Clergue
Published Date:2014.07
Pages : 196

Title: Exploring the Universe

Author:Brian Clergue

Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House

Publishing Date: 2014.07

Price: 50.00


Pages: 196

Size: sixteen mo

Content in Briefs:

   Few topics can trigger our reverence like cosmology. What is universe? How it works? Where does it from? Best-seller science writer Brian Clegg starts from the origin of universe and discusses many interesting theories and topics, such as the solar system and its planets, the extragalactic system, black hole and white hole, parallel universes and other theories and topics, and finally puts forward his opinion that the universe may extinct in the end. The book includes many novel pictures and vivid and humorous words and is applicable for science lovers in different ages.


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