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Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshan Han Tombs: Sun Tuz's Art of War

Author:Zhujian muesum
Published Date:2015.1
Pages : 320

Title: Bamboo Slips from Yinqueshan Han Tombs: Sun Tuz's Art of War

Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House

Publishing Date: 2015.1

Price: 128.00

ISBN 978-7-5474-1363-0



Content in Briefs:

The chirography in the bamboo slips from Yinqueshan Han tombs is the typical early official script with style in Yangzeand Huai river area, which falls between the seal script and official script of Han combing the elegance of seal script with the ups and downs of official scriptand having great aesthetic values.Adopted strict character structures and well-balanced writing arrangements and paid attention to the rhyme changes, the bamboo slips are the very important materials for studying ancient calligraphy. Compared with the handed down version, many contents in the abridged Sun Tuz’s Art of War seem to be more reasonable. Therefore, the study on bamboo slips from Yinqueshan Han tombs of Sun Tuz’s Art of War has great significance.



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