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Chinese Zither Serial (revised edition)

Author:Guo Ping
Published Date:2015.10
Pages : 352

Title: Chinese Zither Serial (revised edition)

Author:Guo Ping

Publishing House: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House

Publishing Date: 2015.10         

Price: 98.00

ISBN 978-7-5474-1504-7



Content in Briefs:

Some people say that the author of this book Mr. Guo Ping is a rare talent who loves, understands and is able to play the Chinese zither. Indeed, there are only a few famous people in the field of the Chinese zither in the current world. The literary authors who are famous in the field of the Chinese zither are less and the literary authors who are famous in the field of the Chinese zither and are able to describe the literary authors’ feelings about the Chinese zither in the style of the literary authors is rear. Guo Ping is the “rare” literary author who is famous in the field of the Chinese zither. As the scholar researching the classical literatures, Guo Ping describes a systematic outline in the aspects of instrument, arts, learning and methods of the Chinese zither by means of his unique style of writing, which is fine and detailed, clear and elegant and makes people fascinated.


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